The Message Is The Message. Part One.
Insights / 09.26.16 / Arvin Sepehr

This message merits stating because “the medium is the message” ideology, while particularly useful to those who sell the mediums, is ultimately leading humanity to a culture that has totally cut itself of from all those messages that don’t pertain to the mediums either directly or indirectly.

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Millennials, The Generation That Knows Logos Matter(s)
Community, Insights / 08.29.16 / Arvin Sepehr

To be taken seriously by Millennials, pay attention to your logos. The uproar over a popular brand changing logos says a lot about the way things have changed in the business world. It used to be that businesses had to work really hard to be deemed relevant and newsworthy by millennials.

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Volvo Gets It.
Branding / 08.12.16 / Arvin Sepehr

By telling the story of their nation’s most decorated soccer star, Zlatan Ibrahimović, Volvo said a lot about themselves. Instead of hearing the same old jargon about how this car will cure that God-shaped hole in your soul, they demonstrated the similarities between Zlatan’s difficult but successful journey and their own. By displaying only subtle glances at the Volvo V60, the rest of the 3 minute-long spot connects the audience not with a sense of materialism, but one of conquering impossible odds to accomplish worthwhile tasks.

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