Millennials, The Generation That Knows Logos Matter(s)

Community, Insights / 08.29.16 / Arvin Sepehr

To be taken seriously by Millennials, Pay Attention to Your Logos.

The uproar over a popular brand changing logos says a lot about the way things have changed in the business world. It used to be that businesses had to work really hard to be deemed relevant and newsworthy by millennials. Nowadays, Instagram can’t change their logo without bountiful amounts of news outlets freaking out over what they like or hate about the new design for a free app that’s worth billions of dollars.

I am a fan of this trend, by the way. The shift in culture that has seen millennials caring heavily about what takes place in the business world could be attributed to several causes. Young people aren’t as young as they used to be. 12 and 13 year olds are already hearing about the unruly mess former generations may’ve inadvertently (or totally on purpose) made. But the silver lining when it comes to outrage over logos being changed is the direction in which our culture, and ultimately our economy, is headed.

Earlier I implied that pop culture used to exist on a plane far and above that of business. But now, building a successful business is often the storyline pop culture wants to talk about. This didn’t occur when businesses started changing their logos. It happened because we started changing our logos.

To clear up the confusion, let me define the difference between logos and logos.

Logos is the plural of logo, a graphic representation or symbol of a company name or trademark. Logos, however, is the rational principle that governs and develops a company. It was when businesses decided these social networks and pop culture statements weren’t distractions for their employees, but rather, assignments, that media and pop culture started paying attention to what the business world was actually about.

Thus, here we are, a society of youngsters who are well read, eager to work hard at working smart rather than work hard at working hard, and whose logos is aimed not at keeping itself from being distracted, but at creating the next distraction from the way things are currently. To approach millennials any other way is to ensure you’ll lose them.
