Taking a brand back to its roots
News / 07.09.13 /
Bovaird Supply Company in Tulsa, Oklahoma specializes in innovative and environmentally beneficial rehabilitation solutions for hydrocarbon and brine impacted soils. In affiliation with Bovaird Supply Company, Bovaird and Co. serves as the research and development channel for the company. Bovaird and Co. is focused on advancement in the industry today through finding ways to better restore impacted soils. The company has a heritage which stems from the energy industry as far back as 1871 as a manufacturer, fabricator and supplier of products and services.
So how do you keep a growing company balanced and aligned with their considerable past?
You take the brand back to its roots.
That is what we here at GuRuStu did to preserve the report of Bovaird and Company within a logo.
We referred to the original logo and brand as inspiration for their newly designed approach. We analyzed and absorbed the history of their name from 1871 and on and made those roots flourish into a classic, crisp identity with an abundant history.
Check out how we can brand you with our brand strategy identity.